
Easter hope starts with you!

Give now while the $100,000 Easter Challenge is in effect! Your gift will provide neighbors in need with meals, shelter, recovery, and the ultimate gift: hope for a new life.


Or give monthly
Lost to Found Survival Stabilization Recovery Post Graduation

Help reach homeless and hungry neighbors.



This is the stage you see most often — people living on the streets, often struggling with addiction. Our Outreach and Search + Rescue teams go out, day and night, to search out and find those who are homeless, hungry, and hurting.

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This is the stage you see most often — people living on the streets, often struggling with addiction. Our Outreach and Search + Rescue teams go out, day and night, to search out and find those who are homeless, hungry, and hurting.

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This is the stage you see most often — people living on the streets, often struggling with addiction. Our Outreach and Search + Rescue teams go out, day and night, to search out and find those who are homeless, hungry, and hurting.

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This is the stage you see most often — people living on the streets, often struggling with addiction. Our Outreach and Search + Rescue teams go out, day and night, to search out and find those who are homeless, hungry, and hurting.

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Over 16,000 people are struggling with homelessness and addiction today in greater Seattle. Here’s how your generosity helped us last year.

See how your gift
makes a difference.

Found Angels Richard 1080X1080
Richard's Story

Stories connect us, one to another. The Mission's story began not when we opened our doors, but when people started walking through them.

Our story is their story.

We work to break the cycles of homelessness and addiction.


Help change lives!

51140 Easter Campaign

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