Better together. Thank you for standing with us.

Scott Chin, President - December 02 2020


Better together. Thank you for standing with us.

Thank you for standing with us and your unchanging generosity!

This GivingTuesday, you stepped up to help TWICE as many of our homeless neighbors.

Together, we met our Matching Grant and Challenge goals — in just 5 days through your extraordinary and record response — to provide meals, help, and hope where it's needed most!

While we’ve all been impacted by challenging circumstances this year, adding cost and complexity to our work, we believe now more than ever people need the life-changing hope Jesus brings.

Right now, your gift is opening the door to lifesaving services and recovery grounded in God’s love for TWICE as many neighbors who are lost and in need — so they can become found.

We can do this together.

Your gift will help someone like Michael who’s lost their way find the kind of unconditional love and resources they need to overcome addiction and homelessness.

Michael gives thanks to God, the Mission, and YOU for his new life. “You can’t do it alone.” He continues, “Looking at alcohol now, it really sickens me. It reminds me of everything I’ve lost, and where I’m at, and how I got here.”

“My relationship with God has changed the way I look at things. I’ve learned to humble myself, through God. That’s one of the things I could never do [before the Mission].” Michael is now a graduate of our Recovery Program and Culinary Hospitality Internship Program.

Thank you for your compassion and unchanging generosity!