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Bring your classroom knowledge to life

Are you pursuing a compassionate career in the nonprofit sector?

Seattle's Union Gospel Mission offers academic internships to help college and postgraduate students pursue a meaningful career in the nonprofit sector, develop professionally, and grow in their Christian faith.

Our academic internships provide students with real nonprofit experience and the opportunity to serve those in greatest need through the love and care of the Mission.

Will you join us? Find an academic internship opportunity that's right for you!

Internship opportunities

  • Addiction Recovery
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Search + Rescue
  • Counseling
  • Marketing
  • Accounting
  • Development
  • Dental Clinic
  • Legal Clinic
  • Human Resources

Internship commitment 

  • Attend internship orientation
  • Establish and adhere to a weekly schedule
  • Complete a minimum of 15 hours per week

Internship requirements

  • Align with the Mission's Statement of Faith
  • Enrolled in college with at least one year completed, enrolled in a postgraduate program, or graduated within the past 12 months
  • Consent to a background check

Internship FAQs

Are academic internships paid?
No, all internships at Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission are volunteer, unpaid internships.

When do academic internships begin?
Typically, internships will begin at the start of each school semester or quarter academic calendar:

Fall — Internships begin in September
Winter/Spring — Internships begin in January/March
Summer — Internships begin in May/June

How long does an academic internship last?
Internships tend to be 10-12 weeks in length. Internships can be longer, especially graduate school level or higher. Length of time and hours per week will be agreed upon by the intern, internship supervisor, and school advisor prior to the internship start date.

How many hours per week are required?
Typically, internships are a minimum of 15 hours per week and no more than 40 hours per week. If your internship requirements are outside of these typical weekly hours, please include more detailed information in your cover letter.

What if I’m sick or need to miss a day?
We understand that everyone gets sick or urgent and unexpected things come up from time to time. We ask that you treat your internship with as much professionalism as you would a paid job. If you are sick or need to miss scheduled internship hours, please notify your internship supervisor as soon as possible. It will be up to you to communicate with your internship supervisor to reschedule the hours needed to fulfill your internship requirements.

What is the application process for an academic internship?
Applicants must complete an online application, upload a current resume, cover letter, and any school documentation regarding internship requirements. The applicant's cover letter should include specific details about school requirements for your internship and explain why you are interested in interning with Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission. Once an internship application is received, a representative from the Mission will follow up with an applicant with the next steps. Depending on the area of interest and requirements of the applicant's school, the applicant will be connected with a manager to set up an interview. Please bring a copy of your resume and all internship documents from school to the internship interview.


Do you have questions? Get in touch with us — (206) 723-0767 or mission@ugm.org.

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