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Volunteer gets a special birthday surprise

Glenn Olson - August 15 2018


Volunteer gets a special birthday surprise

Ted Schroth, a Mission One-to-One Mentor and High Impact Volunteer experienced a birthday surprise like never before. He sat down with me to share his volunteer experience...

“I wanted to share a brief story about my Men’s Recovery Program mentee, Red. I turned 50 last weekend and due to certain circumstances, I did not have a birthday party, though I had wanted one. 

“On Sunday, I showed up to the Mission to pick up Red and take him to lunch, though I hadn't felt like driving to the Mission that day. I saw some fire in the smoking area and assumed the guys were doing something against the rules, which showed me yet again how judgmental I am. 

“Red beckoned me over and I arrived at the scene in the picture. He got me a birthday cake with candles, had arranged plates and silverware, and asked some of the guys including Vince, who helps serve with Search & Rescue to attend. 

“Red said, ‘You didn't get to have a birthday party, so here is your party!’ Of course, I was pretty moved. My prayer lately has been that I would lose my life so I could find it, and this is about as close to an answer to that prayer as I could imagine. Even when I think I'm sacrificing to give my time (to volunteer), I'm the one who ends up getting the greatest gift. 

“Thanks to the Mission for allowing us the privilege of hanging out with these saints.” 

Volunteering at the Mission changes lives, including yours. I hope this volunteer story from Ted encourages you as you serve one another in love.

Find a volunteer opportunity with the Mission that's right for you! 

God Bless, 

Glenn Olson
Volunteer Engagement Manager