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Thank You to Campbell Auto Group

Jeff Lilley - January 19 2018

Community, Partners, Homelessness

Thank You to Campbell Auto Group

Community, Partners, Homelessness

“When I got to the Mission, I got to sleep in a bed. I loved it here. I was just like, “This is awesome,” because I literally remembered being so cold, so hungry, and rained on. I was really, really grateful.” - Alydia, Recovery Program Graduate.



Before the Mission, many of those we serve made a bed underneath a noisy overpass, in a cramped, cold car, or on a wet sidewalk. Through the support and partnership of companies like Campbell Auto Group, we’re able to provide shelter and long-term recovery services for those in greatest need like Alydia.

We’re honored to be a beneficiary of Campbell Auto Group’s annual “Road to Home” Giving Campaign again this year! This is just one of many ways the Campbell Auto Group serves and supports their community. Their heart is to be “centered on taking care of the basic needs of people who are hard pressed to help themselves or in other words 'helping those without a voice'.” To do that, Campbell Auto Group partners with local nonprofits that they feel are making a difference, like us here at the Mission.

With every car Campbell Auto Group sells between January 1 and March 31, 5 nights of emergency housing will be provided for individuals in our community without a home!

Thank you, Campbell Auto! Thanks to your support, many more hurting individuals in our community will have the same opportunity that Alydia did to sleep in a warm, safe place.